Now is the Best Time to Apply Easy Paid Job nbsp Project DetailsWe are seeking valuable contributions from individuals who exhibit a prominent speech stutter and would be willing to record a number of audio prompts to fulfill the project needs nbsp nbsp Project PurposeCommunication is a human right, and you can help bring benefits to an underrepresented community of speakers nbsp nbsp Imagine a world in which AI augments human communication, where inclusion and empowerment are everyone ndash regardless of language, dialect, accent, or background nbsp bull Short term commitment bull Helping developments in speech detection and recognition bull Helping build AI awareness for speech impediment …
Now is the Best Time to Apply Easy Paid Job nbsp Project DetailsWe are seeking valuable contributions from individuals who exhibit a prominent speech stutter and would be willing to record a number of audio prompts to fulfill the project needs nbsp nbsp Project PurposeCommunication is a human right, and you can help bring benefits to an underrepresented community of speakers nbsp nbsp Imagine a world in which AI augments human communication, where inclusion and empowerment are everyone ndash regardless of language, dialect, accent, or background nbsp bull Short term commitment bull Helping developments in speech detection and recognition bull Helping build AI awareness for speech impediment ...
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